Instant Article Suggestions

PHPKB suggests answers to common questions on ask question form to reduce the number of support tickets.



Suggest Solutions & Deflect Support Tickets

Usually, people don’t know how to ask for what they need. PHPKB can help with that by generating search suggestions based on the content of your knowledge base. It is an extremely useful feature of PHPKB knowledge base software as it reduces online inquiries with automatic answers to common questions. The 'Instant Suggestions' technology analyzes user input and finds the most accurate answers to his question from the knowledge base.

Responding to support tickets take time and money, and it can be drastically reduced by simply adding article suggestions on the contact form. This feature will assist users even before they send a ticket.

Your users can get instant answers to questions that they would normally send you via email. The instant suggestions feature works to reduce the number of support tickets that are raised through the contact form on your knowledge base.

  • A knowledge base should have one goal and that is to help you deflect support tickets by offering the right answer to your users, at the right time. This is exactly what PHPKB does with the Instant Suggestions feature.

AI-powered search

Good question - is a half of an answer. That's why PHPKB provides smart search suggestions based on your documentation's content and users’ search requests.

Have a look at the image below to see how the 'Instant Suggestions' feature work in PHPKB knowledge base software.

Instant Suggestions

Here's How It Works?
  • When users wants to ask a question, they click on the "Ask Question" link and fill out the details on contact form of the knowledge base.
  • The 'Instant Suggestions' technology searches your knowledge base in real-time for articles that match the question being asked by the user. The most relevant articles that are found, are displayed in the list of suggestions to the user. The search for 'Instant Suggestions' is carried out on the same page using AJAX without reloading the page. At this point, the user can click on any of the suggested articles to view them and see if they answer his/her question.
  • If the users doesn't find any of the suggested articles useful, they can submit their query to you containing their question or comment. This question will also be saved in your control panel as an 'Open Ticket', which you can reply back to and/or publish to your knowledge base as an article.

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Whether you are looking for an in-house solution OR a cloud-hosted knowledge management tool, PHPKB knowledge base software offers enterprise-class features with pricing that can fit a small business budget.

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