Knowledge Base Search

Fast & accurate search of knowledge base articles including keywords, custom fields and attached files.



Fast & Accurate Knowledge Base Search

Most knowledge base applications have a search function of some kind. But often the results don't have much relevance to the searched keywords. PHPKB knowledge base software has an incredibly fast & accurate search engine that provides full search capabilities to knowledge base users. It searches among categories, articles, news, attached files, and custom fields. All searches in your knowledge base run on Full-Text Search system, which provides extremely fast and incredibly accurate search results. Each article in the search results is ranked based on its relevance i.e. most relevant articles are displayed at the top of search results. Words from the search query are highlighted in the search results. The latest release of PHPKB software also includes Image OCR search feature that can index the text from images uploaded on the knowledge base articles and make them searchable.

Powerful Enough to Search Thousands of Articles

The powerful capabilities of our search algorithm makes it able to handle large amounts of data. PHPKB is fully optimized to search tens of thousands of articles and display the set of search results ranked by relevance. The database in which the knowledge base articles are saved is optimized using indexes, relationships and appropriate field lengths that makes data retrieval (especially during searching) as fast as possible.

Advanced Search

Users can utilize the advanced search facility to filter/refine the search results according to their choice.

Knowledge Base Search Experience

Knowledge Base Search

Admin Panel Search Experience

Search Results

Pagination of Search Results

When there are too many search results to display on a single page, it becomes necessary to separate the results into a sequence of pages. PHPKB knowledge base software uses paging facility to display search results ranked by their relevance to the search keywords. The number of search results to be displayed in a page can be configured from the settings in admin control panel.

Saved Searches

All searched keywords are saved in the system along with their count to know how many times a particular keyword was searched. The main benefit of storing searches is to get an idea of what users are searching for in your knowledge base. You can see what keywords are bringing successful search results and which of the search keywords are not bringing any results in your knowledge base. There is a special section in the admin control panel where you can see the report of successful as well as failed searches.

Get It Now

Whether you are looking for an in-house solution OR a cloud-hosted knowledge management tool, PHPKB knowledge base software offers enterprise-class features with pricing that can fit a small business budget.

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Some of the world's best companies proudly use PHPKB knowledge management software.


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