What is Anti-Concurrent Editing of Knowledge Base Articles?

Anti-Concurrent Editing is a feature in knowledge management software that helps to prevent conflicts when multiple users attempt to edit the same article at the same time.

What is the need for Anti-Concurrent Editing?

When multiple users attempt to make changes to the same article simultaneously, it can lead to conflicting changes and loss of data. To prevent this, Anti-Concurrent Editing locks the article for editing when one user starts working on it and prevents other users from making changes until the first user has finished and saved their changes.

With Anti-Concurrent Editing, the first user to access the article is given the ability to edit it, while other users are notified that the article is currently being edited and cannot be modified. This helps to avoid the loss of data due to conflicting changes and ensures that the knowledge base remains up-to-date and accurate.

Anti-Concurrent Editing of Knowledge Base Articles

Anti-Concurrent Editing is a useful feature in knowledge management software, particularly in environments where multiple users are working on the same articles, or where there is a high volume of simultaneous edits. By preventing conflicting changes, it helps to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the information in the knowledge base.

An Example

Here is an example to explain Anti-Concurrent Editing in a knowledge base:

Suppose you have a knowledge base containing articles on different topics, and there are two users, User A and User B. Both users need to make changes to the same article in the knowledge base.

Without Anti-Concurrent Editing:

  1. User A opens the article for editing and begins making changes.
  2. Meanwhile, User B also opens the article for editing and begins making changes.
  3. User A saves their changes, but User B is not aware of this and also saves their changes.
  4. The result is that User A's changes are overwritten by User B's changes, leading to data loss.

With Anti-Concurrent Editing:

  1. User A opens the article for editing and begins making changes.
  2. When User B tries to open the article for editing, they receive a notification that the article is already being edited by User A.
  3. User B cannot make changes to the article until User A has finished and saved their changes.
  4. User A saves their changes, which are then automatically updated in the knowledge base.
  5. User B can now open the article for editing and make its changes, without risking the loss of data.

In this example, Anti-Concurrent Editing prevents conflicting changes and ensures that the knowledge base remains up-to-date and accurate. By locking the article for editing when one user begins making changes, it ensures that multiple users cannot edit the same article simultaneously, avoiding the loss of data due to conflicting changes.


In conclusion, Anti-Concurrent Editing is a valuable feature for knowledge management software that helps to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information in the knowledge base. By preventing conflicting changes when multiple users attempt to edit the same article simultaneously, it helps to ensure that the most up-to-date and correct information is available for users to access. Anti-Concurrent Editing can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the knowledge management process and is a useful tool for organizations looking to manage their knowledge in a more organized and effective manner.

Article ID: 330
Created: February 13, 2023
Last Updated: October 28, 2023
Author: Ajay Chadha [support@phpkb.com]

Online URL: https://www.phpkb.com/kb/article/what-is-anti-concurrent-editing-of-knowledge-base-articles-330.html