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Different levels of users in knowledge base

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PHPKB Users are those who have access to the knowledge base. Any user can read articles, but in order to create and publish them, the user must have certain privileges. Refer article Creating User Account to understand how different levels of user accounts can be created in the knowledge base.

Types of users: Users in PHPKB Knowledge base are categorized as Admin Users and KB Users.

  1. Admin Users: Admin users have access to the admin area of knowledge base along with front end. PHPKB knowledge base divides admin users into five levels according to the privileges assigned to them.
    1. Super User sets up the system, manage user accounts and groups, designs the knowledge base settings and so on. Superuser has full control of knowledge base. However, the superuser can not edit or delete his own account.
    2. Editors can manage their own and other users’ articles, categories, comments, tickets, news and glossary. An editor is responsible for the management of overall contents of the knowledge base but can not manage users, user groups, settings and statistics.
    3. Writers can add, edit or delete their own articles but can not publish them. Articles written by them remain in pending state until they are not approved by either a superuser or an editor.
    4. Articles of Trusted-Writers get published immediately without having to go through approval process. Experienced and skilled writers are generally promoted to this level.
    5. Translator user account can only be created in Multi Language editions of PHPKB knowledge base software. Translators can translate the contents of language file(s) assigned to them. He does not have access to any other section of the admin area.

Please refer article Permissions & Rights assigned to various Admin User Levels to see the permissions assigned to each admin-user level in PHPKB knowledge base software.

  1. KB Users: These are KB front end users. They are further categorized as:
    • Member Users have access to private categories and private articles in addition to public categories and publicly published articles. Furthermore, they can store the links of their favourite articles.
    • End Users are those who can view only public articles. If the knowledge base is set up in unrestricted mode, they do not need any account to access the knowledge base articles.
  • Applicable To: Standard Edition, Standard (Multi-Language) Edition, Enterprise Edition (MySQL), Enterprise Multi-Language Edition (MySQL), Enterprise Edition (SQL Server), Enterprise Multi-Language Edition (SQL Server)
Different levels of users in knowledge base