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How the "Autosave" feature works in the PHPKB knowledge base software?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

PHPKB is a knowledge base software that helps organizations manage, share, and maintain their knowledge in a centralized and accessible manner. One of the features it offers is "Autosave."

Autosave Knowledge Base Content

The Autosave feature in PHPKB is designed to automatically save your work while you are creating or editing articles within the knowledge base. This helps prevent loss of data due to unexpected events such as browser crashes, power outages, or accidental closure of the browser window.

Here's how the Autosave feature works:

  1. While you are working on an article, the Autosave feature periodically saves a draft version of your work. This interval is configurable and can be set by the administrator.
  2. If you accidentally close your browser or lose your internet connection, the Autosave feature will have saved a draft version of your work up to the last save point.
  3. When you return to the article creation or editing interface, PHPKB will prompt you with a message, notifying you that an autosaved version of the article is available.
  4. You can choose to either continue working on the autosaved draft or discard it and start from scratch. This helps ensure that you don't lose any progress, even if something unexpected happens while you are working on your article.

In summary, the Autosave feature in PHPKB is a valuable tool for preventing data loss and ensuring that your work is safe while creating or editing articles within the knowledge base.

How the "Autosave" feature works in the PHPKB knowledge base software?