Click on "Manage Articles" link available in "Articles" section of left navigation bar to manage the articles in your knowledge base. By default, approved articles are displayed on the screen. However, you can navigate through tabs to view and... Read More
This article will provide detailed information (step-by-step instructions) on how to add/create a new article in the knowledge base using PHPKB software. There is a video guide at the bottom that demonstrates these steps to create a new article in... Read More
A multilingual knowledge base could have a diverse range of article statuses to reflect the lifecycle of an article, from its creation to its potential translation and subsequent updates. Here's a comprehensive list of all the possible status an... Read More
PHPKB is a knowledge base software that helps organizations manage, share, and maintain their knowledge in a centralized and accessible manner. One of the features it offers is "Autosave." The Autosave feature in PHPKB is designed to automatically... Read More
In a knowledge base, public and private articles differ in terms of their accessibility and visibility to users. Public articles — Public articles are accessible to all users and can be viewed by anyone who has access to the knowledge base,... Read More
After logging into the system, click on Article -> Add New 2. Determine the type (Public or Private) and category (categories). The categories step is critical so your article can be found by the intended audience. Tip: You can assign an... Read More
PHPKB knowledge base software offers automated generation of a table of contents on any article of your knowledge base. This feature can scan the headings (H1 to H6) through your content and automatically create a table of contents which adds an... Read More
Question: Articles posted to our KB are simply ordered by article ID. So the newest article appears first on the list of that category. Which is not what I need. I need to reorder articles so that the first in a series (for example) is the first... Read More
Users can expand "My Articles" link under Articles section of left navigation bar to view their own articles to update them. 'My Articles' page will be displayed which contain several columns as shown in the figure below: ID: This column displays... Read More
Article Collaboration allows admin users to share their views, ideas, opinions & comments in the form of notes with other admin users in order to refine the content of an article. The intent of this collaboration is to polish the articles and to... Read More